Outplacement &

Executive Career Support

premium support service to help firms retain, or exit employees, while still demonstrating a positive, empathetic culture.

  Exiting employees

This flexible programme provides a more personal and empathetic form of Outplacement Support when employees are exiting your firm: after redundancy, by mutual agreement, or when adjusting to retirement. It offers a professional in their corner who specialises in job search strategies giving them full support and the opportunity to take back the control. This consideration for their welfare has the additional benefit of boosting internal morale with remaining employees, helping with retention.

We provide all the tools, techniques, strategies and best practices to motivate their job-hunt and create a frame of mind that is conducive to achieving their goals.

  Redundancy Best Practice

We advise Employers on best practice in the delivery of redundancy to ensure optimistic exits. The outcome of a well-managed redundancy can turn a potentially difficult situation into a positive one for the individual and the company.

  Retaining employees

At some point, it is likely that competitors will approach your top talent. We help firms retain their key members by working with those employees to reach their goals through internal development within their existing organisation. This is a structured, holistic approach offering employees:


Clarity and direction for their next internal challenge


Understanding their unique value to the firm


Understanding the firm’s unique value to them


Clarity on development and training needs


Advance preparation for achieving internal promotion


Improving their internal stakeholder relationships


How to present their case internally


Adjusting to new management/mergers/staff exodus

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